RainbowBubbles (Combo) | Colorful Training Program Slides

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ArtyClick Deep Sky Blue, Nasty Green, International Orange

Slide Orientation

16:9, 4:3

Total Slides


Editor's Ratings

Just another creative PowerPoint template for consultants to introduce or conduct their new training programs

If you ‘re looking for creating a beautiful colorful course promo presentations then why not Try RainbowBubbles PPT? It offers colorful front colors a nice use of colors throughout. It consists a variety of slides to cover your course contents. It offers one-column, two-columns, past successful project showcase, course author bio, and more contextual slides give you flexibility to arrange your contents. And even slides to explain your cores with your course’s key icons.

Why not make your colorful presentation, but yet consistent and formal for business audience with RainbowBubbles PPT?


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